Roses are red, food is blue, hold on Eluna, I’m gonna spew.
House of Flying Children.
Finally a silent night.
Preparing for sledding season.
This Halloween picture is late because it has zombies! Graaaarr!
Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice.
Safety glasses are overrated. Safety squint is all you need!
If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball.
Remember the words of Evel Knievel : "You're never a failure as long as you try to get back up."
The age of resistance.
I guess, technically, she's not doing anything wrong.
I said kill master, not grill master!
Eluna's ninja training finally started. Deflecting shuriken. She did very well on her first try! Proud dad. <3
A trip to Venice didn't really fit our budget; luckily dad and Eluna came up with a cheaper local solution.
Looks like 2024 is off to a good start ...
Family is the foundation of Christmas.
Witching you a Happy Halloween.
Make sure to close the bag after catching it, Eluna!
Parenting is hard. You can't look away for five seconds.
There's your problem, papa. Your blinker fluid is low and you need some elbow grease.